1. What is the difference between Healings and Spells?
  • Healings are candle healings with herbs and oils and done with some specific rituals.
  • They are used to heal something and for manifesting something for you.
  • Spells are moreover said to be more powerful as the whole spell is designed and being done to fulfil the intention which you really need to be done in your life. When you want spiritual help to get your work done. Spells are done with proper rituals, necessary candles, associated herbs, ingredients, crystals, energised oils and different methods (which I really can’t explain as its my own way of doing them to make spell best) of spirituality including deities and angels.
  • (Spells and Healings both cannot be the substitute of practical step you should take for the problems in order to solve them. God helps those who help themselves.)
2. What are spells? Is this black magic?
  • Not at all. This is most common question I receive about spells. I don’t even blame people for this. Spells are actually a form of manifestation more intense than normal manifestation things by different methods and invoking God’s, angels and other deities. I don’t know about others but my spells are pure white and devoted to Maa Kaali only. She is the saviour and Universe is under her control so without her permission person cannot do anything. So for me invoking her is best. If you believe in Maa Kaali then only and only approach me for Spells and Healings.
  • Also Black Magic and black things are done by invoking negative energies and the one who do it and the other who gets it done both have to face extreme devastation. Also if you get some spell done or do it by yourself for someone’s bad or with evil intentions which is not ethical will come under black magic only. What is black magic? Evil and negative! So you cross the line and it becomes black only. Basically a very thin line between black and white magic!
3. Can we take two or more spells or healings for one or different situations?
  • Absolutely yes. Person can take two or more spells or healings for same or different cases. Also for complicated cases on same situation person can take combination of spells or healings or of both.


4. How to choose and book Spells and Healings?
  • For complicated work and intense energy flow you should take spells. Healings are also good for manifestations. Spiritually anything can be great for you, you never know. You should prioritise your issues you are struggling with and then choose your options. You can take one or more spells or healings or combinations. In case you are confused, you should take guidance. Make sure nothing goes against ethics.❤
  • Instructions to do by your side will be sent to you just before the day.
5. What details are required for Spells and Healings?
  • We send you a text form to fill for the personal details. Picture is necessary for Spells and Healings.