We do not do or support anything which is unethical, unpractical, against someone’s wish, which is evil and unimportant. Always seek help when you really need it. We do not perform any black magic or any black work. Stop asking these silly questions. I simply worship Maa Kaali, deities and angels to perform spells and healings. Also next thing people ask about is guarentee. So, there is no guarantee of any spiritual thing. If someone is giving guarantee that is 200% fraud and nothing else. Who knows what God Is going to give you? Karma and ethics are our duty and when we go on right path, we get blessed. For checking my work and feedbacks you can refer to highlights section but guarantee I had neither taken before nor will take it anytime as it’s not valid. Hope you get my point.

• We do not strictly support ex-back things. Nobody can make your ex back, take a note. Also in complicated Cases of love, job and health, readings are recommended to get an idea and glimpse of situations. Sometimes people do not want readings and directly want to go for spells/Healings. Then it’s completely upto you. But some cases will not be taken for spells without sessions. I’ll do spells if only readish ijjnd energy allows.

• Practical steps and all the important actions are also needed for spells. No spell can be substitution of practical steps you should take.

You have to follow some easy steps and instructions to do for yourself after spells. That will be sent to you after bookings.

Your energy is important. My spells never backfires. Only you have to keep your energy pure and intensions good and clean. Overthinking about spells, telling about it to people, overthinking about situations and future or when something happen just getting anxious and scared. All these things will never let your spells work. So always be positive about situations and have faith on energies.

ake spells when you really have faith in energies. Do not take it for ‘Trial’. You cannot lie to energles.

Being impatient about spells and healings every second day is something not going to give you results. If anything opposite happens you keep on going anxious and that’s not the key. You get a beautiful morning after scary night and things take time.

If you believe in my energy, my work and me then ONLY and ONLY take and

book Spells and healing work. It plays very Important role in your

manifestation. Other instructions will be sent to you one day before the

spellwork/healing work.